Models of Career Development

A growing number of individuals, career development professionals and corporate managers recognize the value of an active approach to choosing and developing a career.

Benefits of systematic career planning include increased control over your career direction and the pace at which you move, minimizing change-related stress and, ultimately, more effective and satisfying career decisions.

Career development consists of a variety of components or phases through which an individual works to make and implement decisions. In each phase or component, certain issues and questions are addressed. Each individual’s process of moving through these phases is different and often not sequential, since career development is a dynamic process.

5 steps of Career Development model:

  • Assessment: Assess fit and focus
  • Exploration: Explore and research options
  • Preparation: Create a strategic plan and prepare for employment, interim career or academic career
  • Implementation: Execute the plan and conduct a search
  • Decision-Making: Evaluate options and make informed decisions

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