
E-Marketing (Electronic Marketing) are also known as Internet Marketing, Web Marketing, Digital Marketing, or Online Marketing. E-marketing is the process of marketing a product or service using the Internet. E-marketing not only includes marketing on the Internet, but also includes marketing done via e-mail and wireless media. It uses a range of technologies to help connect businesses to their customers.

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E-marketing is the mix of modern communication technology and traditional principles that marketers usually apply. When we talk about modern communication technology, this is electronic media, more known as the internet (in the realm of e-marketing, the terms of online marketing and internet marketing are usually interchangeable).

E-marketing focuses on marketing your company online. You may use direct or indirect marketing features on the internet to connect your company to new customers, retain present customers, and build a brand identity.

E-marketing, through online tools and resources, can be used by your company via direct emails, blogs, SMS or text messaging, web pages, videos, banners, pictures, advertisements (like pay per click, display or social media advertising), search engine optimization, social media, affiliate marketing, and many more.

Types of e-marketing

There are several ways in which companies can use internet for marketing. Some ways of e-marketing are:

  1. Article marketing
  2. Affiliate marketing
  3. Video marketing
  4. Email marketing
  5. Blogging

Advantages of E-marketing

Certain advantages of E-marketing are discussed as below:

  1. Much better return on investmentfrom than that of traditional marketing.
  2. E-marketing means reduced marketing campaign cost as the marketing is done through the internet.
  3. Fast result of the campaign.
  4. Easy monitoring through the web tracking capabilities help make e-marketing highly efficient.
  5. Using e-marketing, viral content can be made, which helps in viral marketing.

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