Future of Marketing Gamification and Apps

The future of marketing of gamification and apps marketing is about to enter a more challenging territory. Building on the vast increase in consumer power brought on by the digital age marketing is headed towards being on demand not just always on but also always relevant responsive to the consumer desire for marketing that cuts through the noise with pin point delivery.

Gamification and Game Based Marketing                         

Gamification is emerging as a marketing trend and it vital for marketing to address the analysis of games used in gamification in terms of their structure and mechanism and their subsequent transference to the area of marketing activities.

Gamification is the application of structure and mechanics of games ( points, rewards, levels, challenges, and trophies ) to the real world in order to boost the engagement of users change their behaviour and solve problems of various kinds.

Gamification Benefit Marketing

Companies need to understand how to add games and games mechanics to their marketing mix how to use games to influence behaviour and reach business goals and use game based marketing to boost revenues.

  1. To play a game users ( potential consumers ) have to login first. The helps companies build a database of potential clients by collecting the email ids of players.
  2. Games allow companies to attract fans in social media by also constituting an important element of competition.
  3. Games allow education and integration of members of group or branch
  4. Games can provide consumers with a positive fun filled and entertaining experience
  5. Games permit companies to simulate real life situations that customers identify with easily in such a way that target group gets more engaged.

The World Of Apps

Apps are adding a completely new dimension to marketing today. An app can be defined as a software application typically developed by a product brand to allow a consumer to gain information about there by forming an opinion or completing a transaction.

Applications or apps as they are termed are optimized for the devices on which they are to be downloaded on and accessed from. Marketing are using them for the following reasons :

  1. Enhancing their reach
  2. Positioning brands
  3. Stimulating impulsive buying by6 increasing visual appeal
  4. Stimulating consumer engagement
  5. Leveraging consumer interactivity and participation

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