Total Productivity Maintenance

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) was developed by Seiich Nakajima based on experience of the practical application of maintenance best practice in Japan between 1950 and 1970. This experience led to the recognition that a leadership mindset engaging front line teams in small group improvement activity is an essential element of effective operation. The outcome from his work was the application of the TPM process in 1971. One of the first companies to gain from this was Nippondenso, a company that created parts for Toyota. They became the first winner of the PM prize. An internationally accepted TPM benchmark developed by the JIPM [Seiichi Nakajima]] is therefore regarded as the father of TPM. The classic TPM process he developed consisting of 5 principles was later enhanced by the JIPM to incorporate many of the lessons of Lean Manufacturing and is referred to as Company Wide TPM which consists of 8 principles/pillar.


The goal of TPM is the continuous improvement of equipment effectiveness through engaging those that impact on it in small group improvement activities. Total quality management (TQM) and total productive maintenance (TPM) are considered as the key operational activities of the quality management system. In order for TPM to be effective, the full support of the total workforce is required. This should result in accomplishing the goal of TPM: “Enhance the volume of the production, employee morale and job satisfaction.”

The main objective of TPM is to increase the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) of plant equipment. TPM addresses the causes for accelerated deterioration while creating the correct environment between operators and equipment to create ownership.

OEE has three factors which are multiplied to give one measure called OEE

Performance x Availability x Quality = OEE

Each factor has two associated losses making 6 in total, these 6 losses are as follows:

  • Performance = (1) running at reduced speed – (2) Minor Stops
  • Availability = (3) Breakdowns – (4) Product changeover
  • Quality = (5) Startup rejects – (6) Running rejects

The objective finally is to identify then prioritize and eliminate the causes of the losses. This is done by self-managing teams that solve problem. Employing consultants to create this culture is common practice.


The eight pillars of TPM are mostly focused on proactive and preventive techniques for improving equipment reliability:

  1. Autonomous Maintenance
  2. Focused Improvement
  3. Planned Maintenance
  4. Quality management
  5. Early/equipment management
  6. Education and Training
  7. Administrative & office TPM
  8. Safety Health Environment

With the help of these pillars we can increase productivity. Manufacturing support.

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