Process of Controlling

An effective organization is one where managers understand how to manage and control. The objective of control as a concept and process is to help motivate and direct employees in their roles. Understanding managerial control process and systems is essential for the long- term effectiveness of an organization.

Without enough control systems in place, confusion and chaos can overwhelm an organization. However, if control systems are “choking” an organization, the organization will suffer from erosion of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Concept of Controlling

The term controlling has different connotations depending upon the context of the use of the term. In manufacturing it refers to a Device or mechanism installed or instituted to guide or regulates the activities or operation of an apparatus, machine, person, or system; in law it refers to controlling interest and in management as an authority to order and manage the workings and management of an entity.

Control is a management process to aim at achieving defined goals within an established timetable, and comprises of three components:

(i) Setting standards

(ii) Measuring actual performance

(iii) Taking corrective action.

Process of Controlling

Following are the steps involved into the process of control:

  1. Establish the Standards

Within an organization’s overall strategic plan, managers define goals for organizational departments in specific, precise, operational terms that include standards of performance to compare with organizational activities. However, for some of the activities the standards cannot be specific and precise.

Standards, against which actual performance will be compared, may be derived from past experience, statistical methods and benchmarking (based upon best industry practices). As far as possible, the standards are developed bilaterally rather than top management deciding unilaterally, keeping in view the organization’s goals.

Standards may be tangible (clear, concrete, specific, and generally measurable) – numerical standards, monetary, physical, and time standards; and intangible (relating to human characteristics) – desirable attitudes, high morale, ethics, and cooperation.

  1. Measure Actual Performance

Most organizations prepare formal reports of performance measurements both quantitative and qualitative (where quantification is not possible) that the managers review regularly. These measurements should be related to the standards set in the first step of the control process.

For example, if sales growth is a target, the organization should have a means of gathering and reporting sales data. Data can be collected through personal observation (through management by walking around the place where things are happening), statistical reports (made possible by computers), oral reporting (through conferencing, one-to-one meeting, or telephone calls), written reporting (comprehensive and concise, accounting information – normally a combination of all. To be of use, the information flow should be regular and timely.

  1. Compare Performance with the Standards

This step compares actual activities to performance standards. When managers read computer reports or walk through their plants, they identify whether actual performance meets, exceeds, or falls short of standards.

Typically, performance reports simplify such comparison by placing the performance standards for the reporting period alongside the actual performance for the same period and by computing the variance—that is, the difference between each actual amount and the associated standard.

The manager must know of the standard permitted variation (both positive and negative). Management by exception is most appropriate and practical to keep insignificant deviations away. Timetable for the comparison depends upon many factors including importance and complexity attached with importance and complexity.

  1. Take Corrective Action and Reinforcement of Successes

When performance deviates from standards, managers must determine what changes, if any, are necessary and how to apply them. In the productivity and quality-centered environment, workers and managers are often empowered to evaluate their own work. After the evaluator determines the cause or causes of deviation, he or she can take the fourth step corrective action.

The corrective action may be to maintain status quo (reinforcing successes), correcting the deviation, or changing standards. The most effective course may be prescribed by policies or may be best left up to employees’ judgment and initiative. The corrective action may be immediate or basic (modifying the standards themselves).

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